
February 8, 2021
Pratima holding self affirmation card "I am proud of myself"

I love being the Residential Programs Manager at Sunflower Hill at Irby Ranch. Engaging with our residents and providing fun activities for them makes me so happy! Yet sometimes I feel a little blue, like I imagine we all do. I’ve found a great technique to stay positive, and it’s the focus of this first Mindful Monday blog article: positive self-affirmations!

Lake with mountains in the background. Text overlay: breathe in, breathe outIt’s been rainy here in Pleasanton these last few weeks and sometimes all those cloudy days can make me feel a little sad. Self-affirmation is my go-to technique when I need a quick pick-me-up. I read a lot about positive psychology and like to use what I learn in my daily life. I also like to be a positive person, and self-affirmation helps me stay positive and keep negative thoughts away.

What are positive self-affirmations?

Positive self-affirmations are simply positive words or phrases that you say to yourself (out loud or in your mind) that help you shift your thoughts away from negativity and towards positivity.

I’ve found that mindful, positive self-affirmations help relieve my stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed. When my mind is stuck in that never-ending cycle of negative thoughts, I use positive self-affirmations to break the cycle and move on. This article on positive self-affirmations, explains some of the science behind how it works.

Using positive self-affirmation is really easy and takes only a couple of minutes. The hard part is doing it consistently! To get the full benefits, I find that it helps to use positive self-affirmation every day.

Ready. Set. Affirm!

Follow the steps below to try positive self-affirmations yourself! We’ll start with a simple affirmation statement: I am strong: (Or you can use your own)

  • Stand in front of a mirror or in a quiet spot in your house.
  • Take a deep breath in and then let it out.
  • Take another deep breath in and say out loud or in your mind, I am strong.
  • As you breathe out, imagine yourself releasing any negative thoughts.
  • Repeat the same affirmation while breathing in and out, at least 10 times.

Sunflowers with text overlay: I can and I will!I find that as I’m saying each affirmation statement, I feel more confident and my thoughts become less negative. My heart rate slows down, and I feel calmer. For me, it really makes a positive impact on my stress level and mood!


More Positive Affirmations

There are a lot of different, positive self-affirmation statements that you can use. Here are just a few that I like:

  • I am confident
  • I am growing everyday
  • I am filled with focus
  • I am proud of myself
  • My mistakes do not define me
  • My mistakes help me to learn and grow
  • I believe in myself
  • I can do this
  • I am kind
  • I embrace change
  • I am worthy of love

You can print out these self-affirmation cards to use at home, or create your own!

I also like to have fun and use affirmations like:

  • I am awesome
  • I am a Queen
  • I am Wonder Woman

It may seem silly, but it really shifts my mind into a positive, fun gear! I hope you give self-affirmations a try today!


Story by: Pratimajit Kaur, Sunflower Hill at Irby Ranch Residential Programs Manager
Contributing Writer: Rachel Clark, Sunflower Hill Communications Manager


About Mindful Monday Articles

Mindful Monday blog articles are a monthly feature, created for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, where we share stories and activities that encourage self-care and positive mindfulness. If you’re looking additional resources on mindfulness, our Executive Director and Yoga Teacher, Edie Nehls, has several free mindful moment videos in our Online Activities archive.


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